World renowned singer-songwriter, Tallulah Rendall has announced the release of her new inspirational video Gold which will go live on International Women's Day, March 8th. A Creative Facilitator, Tallulah teaches Qi Gong & Sound Meditation to empower people to connect to their creative expression so they can lead happier, healthier and more embodied lives. Her new video engaged participants from all around the world to join together in creating a joyful expression of hope and community. We speak to Tallulah to find out more...
Why did you decide to make this video? During this time of isolation and separation, I wanted to bring people together. To encourage, inspire and support those from all around the world, all ages and all nationalities to unite in creating something that is an expressive beacon of joy and celebration. We are all creative beings and as both an Artist and Facilitator I know what it is to be in relationship with the creative flow and how to help others connect to theirs. Who was invited and how did they get involved? I put messages on all my social media platforms inviting anyone who felt inspired, to join me in creating a video for Gold, the opening song from my 4th Album, The Liminal. I have crowdfunded four albums and toured worldwide and so was contacted by previous pledgers, music lovers, friends, family, attendees of workshops and retreats plus those that simply stumbled across the online invitation. I have also been sharing this project during my daily 10am instagram live sessions, where I hold meditations, share songs, qi gong and dance playlists to help support and inspire people. The invitation was for people to submit a video clip expressing themselves, however they wished in response to Gold. A song written whilst teaching a songwriting and performance course and performed at the ‘Walking with the Wounded’ fund-raiser. The message of the song is a celebration of our potential as human beings, ‘We are one, we are gold, so let the light on in now and shine’. I experience my own self-doubt and feelings of not being enough and also witness this daily in others. It seems a global part of human nature and so this song is an invitation to let go of those emotions, limiting self beliefs, to get out of the mind and simply allow the uninhibited natural beauty that exists in each of us to shine through. To allow that pure creative expression of loving kindness, which brings so much happiness, to flow through unimpeded. So necessary for our mental health, during this time of continuous lockdowns. What was the result? The videos flooded in and my lockdown journey of 2021 so far has been the honour of piecing them together. Hearing the stories, the frustrations and the breakthroughs from those who wanted to be part of it, to join in, but were feeling too depressed, lacking in energy, motivation or simply didn’t want to be seen and then I witnessed their transformational journey and the celebration when they did breakthrough the resistance and submit their video. Each video creating a perfect part of the whole. It has been so inspiring and brought me such personal joy each day making this video and even learning how to video edit in the first place! I have created this to support everyone at this time, to spark play, and laughter and a sense of community. Even though we are in this strange lockdown time, we can still connect, we can still create, we can still be beacons of positivity and I believe more than ever this is needed now to balance all the uncertainty and confusion that is shaking the ground beneath us. What next? Please join us, share this video and film your GOLD clip now.
Dance along, sing along, put on your fancy dress, whatever sparks joy in your heart.
Then upload you clip to Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #brightskygold
Play a role in spreading this love and message of joy around the world.