Singapore is a wonderful country with many positives and aspects to marvel in. It is a great place to visit, but for some, the beauty and benefits might be enough to draw them to living in the country. There are several reasons that you might want to move and live in Singapore, but also some drawbacks to consider, so it is important that you factor all of them into your decision-making.

Convenience and essentials
Whenever you consider moving places, whether that is from city to city, or larger moves that involve relocating countries, the desire to meet your needs at a convenience comes as a great benefit and can be a large factor as to why certain people move to specific areas. Singapore provides many of those essentials that people look for on a daily basis. This includes things like getting to work, seeing friends and family, or getting groceries nearby all can be done quite easily as public transportation makes getting around simple and destinations easily accessible. There are plenty of grocery stores and restaurants for food nearby, within blocks of most residential areas, which makes these needs easy to fulfil. The transit card that grants you access to buses and trains also doubles as a payment option, where you can load money onto your card that allows you to make payments at stores and restaurants as well, making it easy and simple to move around.
Lack of language barriers
One reason that people might hesitate to move to a different country is the difficulty of communicating with people that might not speak their language. A benefit of Singapore is that its residents and population are raised and educated to speak multiple languages, with English being one of them. This makes it easy for people that are moving there to assimilate and transition much easier, especially in large metropolitan cities. Getting around, asking for directions, and seeking help are made easier simply by knowing the language. This creates a sense of comfort and will help anyone that is considering a move to Singapore.
Infrastructure, benefits, and safety
Singapore is a constantly growing and developing country, even though it is currently one of the more advanced cities in the world and not just within Asia. They provide a fantastic healthcare system and many companies will provide benefits, depending on your career and job. For those looking for growth within their career, but also with the world around them, Singapore is a place to consider. Still, they continue to grow and appeal to the world audience for both short-term stays like vacations and tourism, but also long-term moves and permanent relocations. Another aspect to consider for anyone wanting to move to Singapore is the fact that it is regarded as one of the safest and friendliest places to live, which helps create that appeal for people looking to move there.
Cost of living
One aspect that you need to consider when moving to Singapore is the high cost of living. You will find that not only is rent on the higher end but also paying for food at restaurants and in general can be expensive. If you are a foreigner, it is also going to be much more costly if you are looking to purchase a house or property. Although this may feel like a deterrent to living in Singapore, professional realtors at PropNex state that this comes with a lot of benefits such as healthcare and safety. With the cost of living raised, there is often an association of increased quality of life as a result.

Centralisation of the country
If you are looking to move or stay in Singapore, one benefit that is provided is the distance to other countries. This plays a factor in both your potential professional career as well as personal needs. Certain jobs might require you to connect with international clients, or you might want that opportunity to expand your business. Singapore is a country that is no more than a few hours by plane to any of its neighbouring countries, which provides large business and career opportunities for those seeking that type of flexibility. Additionally, you might just want to be near other countries for personal reasons. If you are a young professional that wants the option to travel the world, Singapore being in the middle of many different countries will give you that chance to travel with so many destinations nearby.
There are many reasons to consider living in and moving to Singapore. Overall, the positives often outweigh the negatives, but you also need to consider what you might be leaving behind, and for some, those factors make it hard to leave. However, if you have the freedom and opportunity to choose Singapore as a destination for relocation, it is one of the best places in the world in terms of its country and its cities from both a recreational and professional market.