As the world becomes more and more interconnected, it’s becoming increasingly common for people to make international moves for work contracts or because they now have the option to live in and experience a new climate and culture. While opportunities to live abroad are rapidly increasing, that doesn’t mean moving between countries is without its challenges. The following will explore a few things you can do to help your international move be as stress-free as possible.
Downsize And Then Downsize Again
Long before it’s time to pack up for your move, it’s time to start downsizing. When you’re moving internationally, the cost of moving your belongings can be a little scary; to help mitigate the headaches that come with spending an exorbitant amount to move your possessions, start culling what you own early on.
The process of downsizing involves donating functional items that you no longer use, disposing of things that are broken beyond repair, and minimizing your possessions to allow you a clutter-free, comfortable life. Things like exercise equipment, musical instruments, and larger pieces of furniture that aren’t needed can be sold.
Get Your Visa Sorted Early
Another process you’re going to want to do as soon as possible in the move is to ensure that your visa is sorted out and that you understand your rights and responsibilities. This also applies to any children or household members you’re bringing along with you. If pets are traveling too, you’re also going to want to look up any regulations for animals crossing the border. Many countries have vaccine requirements for pets.
This process can take a lot longer than you expect; sometimes, it involves hard or expensive applications. To help speed up this process, you might want to look into getting a job first and then using that job to help you get a visa.
Consider Working With A Service
Given how popular moving between countries has become, there are businesses that focus solely on helping individuals or families move internationally. Moving professionals at emphasise that there are options for people looking to move large amounts of their life, including vehicles, between country borders. If you decide to use a service, you’re going to want to be sure that you’re getting a door-to-door service. You don’t want to have to hire a moving truck once you get to your new country to move your possessions from a freight storage location to your home; you want a service that completes the full process.
International Driving Licenses
Most countries have their own system for granting the right to drive, but there are often also international permits and licenses that can be sought after ahead of time. Look into what the options are in your area and whether they will function in the country you’re traveling to. This is especially important if you’ll be moving somewhere a little out of town and will need to drive to get around.
Get Up To Date On Tax Laws
You’re going to want to check in with an accountant about what your responsibilities are in regards to taxes. To ordinary citizens, tax law might not be the most vital, but governments take it far more seriously than they take pretty much anything else. Make sure you’re ready to meet all your requirements when it comes to tax seasons both abroad and at home. If you run your own business, this also means taking into account business taxes.
Talk To Children In Advance
Moving can be scary for children. It’s a good idea to speak to children about moving as soon as the idea occurs to you, so they have lots of time to get used to the idea. You might also want to give children small tasks that help them feel like they’re part of the decision and process.
Health Insurance
Some countries have free healthcare, but even in cases where citizens have their health needs paid for by the government, foreigners might not be immediately covered or protected. Figure out what coverage you have and seek out any additional coverage needed for yourself or your family members.
Practice The Language
Even if you’re going to be working in your first language and your children will be going to school in their first language, you’re going to want to learn a bit of the local lingo. Start by practicing terms related to greetings and getting to know people, but then branch into practicalities like booking a cab, shopping for groceries, and participating in your favorite hobbies. You can take a course, install an application on your phone, or crash course on the 500 most commonly used words in the primary language of the country you’ll be living in.
The above tips should help improve the experience of moving internationally. Of course, every move and every household is different; this means there might be additional considerations for you and your family that aren’t included on this list.